Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Unit #1: Essay Questions 1& 2

The following questions should be answered by Friday, September 7, 2012 12:00a.m. Students, essay questions should be answered in your own words by summarizing, paraphrasing, and/or analyzing content information. You should use the textbook or internet as a resource but not to copy and paste or write in someone else's words. Content information should be accurate and based on informational readings and text. Each question should be answered in paragraph form and state a thesis sentence based on your argument to be explained (Thesis statement should be the 1st or 2nd sentence). Grammatical errors should be reviewed and corrected before submitting your essay questions. Essay questions are worth 80 points (40 points each).

Extension Assignment- Students should comment on at least two of their classmates' essays by Sunday, September 9, 2012 12:00a.m. Your comments should be at least 2-3 sentences in length. The comment should be a critical evaluation of the essay and explain whether you agree with the argument or disagree. This assignment will allow students to become peer supporters in this AP US History class and help critic the writings of their classmates. This assignment is worth 20 points (10 points per comment).Your overall grade will come from Mrs. Ladd.


1. How did religion shape European efforts to colonize the New World?


2. Europeans and Native Americans “exchanged” many things as they began interacting with each other. Focusing on no more than 2 items, analyze how the intercontinental exchange affected North/South America OR Europe after these items were transplanted to the new region.


  1. Religion played a major role in the colonization of the New World. It was claimed to be the main purpose of colonization and westward expansion (though the actual “drive” behind it was the opportunity of wealth and resources.) Christianity is the most well known religion that was spread throughout the New World but Catholicism was the required religion for all Spanish settlements. Europeans thought that they would spread their religious beliefs to people whom they thought were uncivilized and savages…Indians. They had a peculiar way of spreading their religion which consisted of forcing it upon enslaved Native Americans. This was actually a tactic used to secure authority over slaves. When you have authority over someone it usually makes it easier to convince them to do almost anything you want which may be say getting them to migrate their tribe westward. As I said before Catholicism was another religion spread by Spaniards in the New World. The conquistadors’ main focus was to teach others of the catholic religion so while enslaving Native Americans to find gold in South America they taught them about Catholic practices. Taking away a sense of identity from slaves made it easier to move the westward for expansion purposes.
    Not all colonists where after wealth some where just searching for a place that they could simply practice there own religion and not be judged or convicted. Puritans and other Lutheran groups wanted to not only escape a government that wasn’t separated by church and state but to spread their Christian beliefs.

    1. Sounds like your AP ready with content information but remember stay within the frame of the question.

    2. The way you put your answer made a lot of sense. Some stuff might have been a bit off topic but you manged to go right back to the topic without confusing the reader. You also seemed to really know what you were talking about.

  2. Question 1 answer:

    I feel as though Muslims interrupted the Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus as he tried to colomize the New World. Muslims were said to be in the New World before Columbus. Religious passions lay behind many subsequent efforts at explorations and settlement of the New World. Columbus had a combination of worldy and religious passions. Columbus religion was different from the Muslims of course. The idea of Europeans coming to colonize the New World didn't sound so good to the Muslims In the result of that the Muslims society seized control of the eastern routes

  3. Question 2 answer:

    The Columbian Exchange caused a divergent evoulution with North and South America. South America was considered part of the New World at the time. Plants, animals, diseases, and food was exchanged to the New World from Europe in the Columbian Exchange. It was complete chaotic. Europe was getting a better outcome in the exchange than the New World. Europe benefited with different food and surviving skills. The disease that Europeans exchange with the New World caused a lot of death in North and South America.

  4. Qustion #1

    The religion in the European Colonines were so diverse,but the main two religions were Caltholic nd protestants. Catholic people worship Mother Mary and God in some ways. Protestants people worship GOD in a Jewish way and Christian way. Catholic and Protestants churches were deeply divided. They had many fights between the French and Spainish Catholics and English and Dutch Protestants kept these groups seprate from each other.The reliogious practice and beliefs in America were changed in response to the changing circumstances.The changing religions tradition modified the way Europeans,Africans, and Native American experience life. These powerful religions was a major trade in colonial amercian life.

    Question #2

    The Europeans and Native Americans exchanged many things such as foods,disease,animals and slaves. But I am going to only focused on infectiuos diseases and Domesticated Plants. The Europeans exchanged so much food and diseases with the Native americans. While, the Native amercians exchanges so little items. The Europeans diseases nearly killed all the Native Americans in one swoop and in a nervous wreck.They were dropping like flies, because they body couldnt take it. So, to this exchange I believe the Europeans just used the natvive americans to get what they wanted.

    1. I like the way you answered the question, but some of the information confused me. Other wise, it was pretty good. Also, you spelled religious and infectious wrong. But it's still pretty good.

  5. 1) Religion had a great effect on efforts to colonize the New World by the Europeans. The Spanish and the British both had religious reasons to colonize in the New World. The Spanish only wanted to spread their religion to the New World while searching for gold and glory. The British, on the other hand, wanted religious freedom to believe in what they want and to pray to whom they please. The British may have also wished to spread their religion to the New World like the Spanish did.

    2) During the Colombian(Intercontinental) Exchange, The Old and New World exchanged many things. The main things that were exchanged were food and diseases. The New World had the disease Syphilis. The Old World had the diseases Malaria, Measles, Smallpox, Chickenpox, and Influenza. These diseases did kill Europeans, but they killed more Native Americans whose immune systems were not able to fight of the foreign diseases. The Old World had foods like apples, bananas, citrus fruit, peaches, watermelons, coffee, rice, sugar, and wheat. The Old World also had animals like cattle, chickens, horses, pigs, and sheep to make meat and possibly dairy. The New World had foods like chilli peppers, pineapples, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, cacao(cocoa), corn, peanuts, and vanilla. The New World also had animals like turkeys and buffaloes to make meat.

    1. Gloria your essay was on point! Keep up the good work! (^_^)

    2. Gloria great job!! You also touched on some awesome points.
      Great essay!

  6. Religion shaped European effort to colonize the New World in so manys ways. Starting off with the British wanting religious freedom, to belive in who they wanted. The start of european colonization of the Americas is dated to 1492. This is when religions started to spread, christianity being one of the popular religions, Catholic being the first major religious group to immigrate to the new world. Some religions were forced upon people for exzample Europeans forced there religions on native americans who were enslaved. Spanish only spreaded there religion to the new world. Colinization was and is simply forming colonys , and the spread of religion helped form those colonys and has great impacts on the european efforts.

  7. During the Columbian exchange, there were many things traded. For exzample: food, crops,diseases, ideas and tobacco. This excahge was a great experince to learn and discover new things. The columbian exchange brought a lot of great items to lite that made a lot of cash. Tobacco being the biggest cash crop, traveled across the Alantic ocean during the Columbian exchange. Native americans were the first to discover tobacco,although jamestown explores were the first to use it for a profit, England being the largest country that tobacco was exported to. Tobacco had a great impact makeing lots of money. Diseases having the worst impact , for exzample Small pox which the europeans spreaded, it became a extremely large problem with the natives because they had no immunity to the Europeans diseases. This disease killed more native americans than europeans. It indeed had the worse impact on the Columbian exchange.

  8. 1.) Roman Catholics were the first major religious group to immigrate to the New World. English, Dutch, and other European colonies, tended to be more diverse religious wise. The process of Christainization was very violent, England's Charles I persecuted religious dissenters. After the European arrival, slavery took place. I feel as though the European's where leaving hoping to spread their faith with others, but it looks as though they did more forcing and harm than anything.

    2.) During the Columbian Exchange, they had different mixes of trades going back and forth from The Old World and The New World. During this exchange they traded 3 major things, which were diseases, food,and cash crops. Coming from the Old World they brought in Measles,Chickenpox, Smallpox, Cholera, Typhus, Yellow Fever, Whooping Cough, etc. They also brought in their own food like apples,peaches, pigs, cattle, etc. But when they arrived in the New World they discover a cash crop called tobacco. They also had maize (corn), bison (buffalo),and potatoes.

  9. Religion played a big role in helping shape the colonization of the New World. I say this because many groups such as Roman Catholics, Dutch and other groups came to the new world searching for the right to practice their religious. In the 16th century the protest reformation broke the unity of Western Christendom and it led to many new religions.As a result the European arrived between 19,000 or more Puritans migrated to the New World(Pennsylvania) because the land was cheap and they had the right to be any religion they choose.

    2.During the Columbian Exchange many things such as diseases,foods,animals and slaves were exchange. All these affected North/South America and/or Europe, but I feel like slaves really did affect it in a good way. I say this because after the slaves were in the new region it was more many money being save because they did not have to pay their slaves to work.

  10. Question #1
    The Protestant Reformation began in Germany in 1517, when Maryin Luther chanllenged some of the basis practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church until then, the surpreme religious authorities throughout western Europe. Luther, an monk and priest, chanlleged the Catholic belief that salvation could be achieved through good works and through loyalty to the church itself. He denied the church's claim that God communicated to the world through the pope clergy. As the spirit of the Reformation spreaded rapidly throughout Europe, created intellectual fermant and war, other dissidents began offering alternatives to orthodox Catholicism.

    Question #2
    There were alot of animals exhanged in the intercontinental exchange.Columbus unloaded horses, cows, pigs, wheat, barley, sugar cane.Animals not only ones who liked diet of new world foods; Europeans brought maize and potatoes back from western hemisphere to Europe, where their superior caloric value made them attractive new crops to plant and in places such as Ireland totally transformed local foodways, ecosystems, and social relationships.The other thing that crossed the ocean blue w/Columbus was disease. Columbus landed in Hispaniola in 1492; by 1600 all of Natives were wiped out. When Natives died, Spanish turned to Africans for labor, totally remaking Caribbean population so that islands now virtually all black. Overall, between 1492-1900 Native Populations declined by 90% while European populations increased 444%.

  11. Religion helped shape the united states because of the simple fact that there were many people of different religion immigrating to the new world at that time. Religion really help shaped the colonization because people were trying to see if what religion was right to them or not so they would either settle there or try to spread to the settlement that they live in.

    Question 1

  12. Question 2

    Many things were exchanged in the Colombian exchange such as disease and food. Many foods were exchange because people ithat n Europe brought what little food they had to the new world. Also they had to find a new source of food. That's when the native Americans come into factor because of the fact the Europeans would have starved if they did not learn to plant food.
    Also they exchanged disease. The Europeans brought all kind of diseases to the new world such as the common cold .

  13. 1) Religion played a big part on the New World because the Europeans colonized it. The Spanish was spreading their religion to the New World while searching for gold and glory. The British didn't care what religion you chosen. They also copied the way the Spanish spreaded.

    2) The intercontinental exchange passed on alot of things such as animals, foods, slaves and diseases. To some of the exchanging there were some good outcomes for example the slaves, the white people didn't have to do anything the slaves did all their work. Another good outcome was the crops for them to eat. One of the things they exchanged is still used today (tobacco).

  14. 1. Religion shaped the growth of colonial life in the New World. The King of England forced all English people to attend his church, the Church of England (Protestant Church). All other region was forced to be practice secretly. Christians, Quakers, Puritans and other religion, were desperate to find a way to freely practice their religions. They started moving to the New World where they had complete religious freedom. Being able to practice their freedom came with consequences which affected the development of the colonial society economically, socially, and politically. Economic development in the colonies; but money was spent on building churches.

    2. During the voyage to the New World. There were benefits and consequences of Columbian Exchange.

    - The benefits of Columbian Exchange, they gained many supplies of metal and staple crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, maize (corn) and cassava. Calorie-intensive food such as tomatoes, chili peppers, cacao, peanuts and pineapples. People get to experience different types of food from other country and states. Tobacco is a cropped that adopted and became used as a substitute for many parts of the new world. The old world exchanged crops such as sugar and coffee.
    - The Consequences of Exchange, Europeans contact enabled the transmission of diseases to previously isolated communities. They brought deadly viruses and bacteria such as measles, typhus, and cholera. The European sailors brought syphilis to Europe. Although the disease is less deadly but was known to have caused great social disruption thought out the old world. The disease had an impact on Africa and Asia. In a demand for labor that was met with the abduction and forced over 12 million Africa’s during the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.

  15. Question1: The Protestant Reformation began in Germany in 1517. Religion was a big issue. Luther felt you should be able to practice any religion you would like. Luther nailed the 95 theses on the Catholic Church to get his point across. Luther said and i quote " salvation was to be found not through works or though the formal practice of religion, but through FAITH alone." The Pope did not appreciate Luther making a uproar.

    Question 2: The Colombian Exchange had a lot of things that were traded such as: animals, diseases,tobacco and food. They did this trade across the Atlantic Ocean. The diseases they traded were measles, mumps etc. The biggest disease was SMALL POX. These diseases were killing Native Americans. The Europeans immune system was stronger then the Native Americans.But, to me the Europeans were users. Tobacco was something else they traded. Tobacco was a big profit of the Colombian Exchange.

    1. You pointed out some good things about the Protestant Reformation. Good job keep up the great work.

  16. Question #1: Religion had a very large effect on the new world. The new world changed the religious faiths. Martin Luther played a big role in the Protestant Reformation, whhich was a 16th century movement in Europe reforming practices of the Catholic church came along. The New World was the new "hot spot" to have your own Religious beliefs. British just said let us belive in whomever and whatever. The spanish wanted to spread their religion with everyone.

    Question #2: The Intercontinental Exchange (Columbian Exchange) was a transfer of animals,slaves, plants, and diseases. Diseases was one of the worst and food was the best outcome. Many diseases came from the old world such as Yellow fever,yaws,chicken pox and many more. The Old World also traded many types of food citrus,beet,fig and garlic.

  17. 1) How did religion shape European efforts to colonize the New World?

    When the Europeans came to the New World their plan was to take over and dominate. The European did that by spreading religion. They figured if they spread their religion that they could likely take over the New World. Spain after 1492 was a catholic country. In addition around that time there wasn’t any distinction between Catholic or Protestant but there were only Christian. Roman Catholic was one of the major religious group to immigrate the New World , as settlers in Portugal and Spain. However a lot of things changed when Martin Luther came about with the a Protestant Reformation after 1517.

    2) Europeans and Native Americans “exchanged” many things as they began interacting with each other. Focusing on no more than 2 items, analyze how the intercontinental exchanged affected North/South America OR Europe after these items were transplanted to the new region.

    In the intercontinental exchange there were two major items that had a big impact on North/South America and Europe and that is diseases and food. These two have a big impact on human, their lives, and their bodies. Diseases do of course because it can be sickly and/or deadly. They exchanged diseases such as measles, syphilis ,malaria ,chicken pox, and smallpox. Neither of those diseases are good and they all can cause harm. The food changed the way they cooked, eat, live, and diet. Though food affected North/South and Europe in a positive way.
