Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blog #13: The Union in Peril, 1848-160 (Events leading to the Civil War)


The following questions should be answered by Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:00a.m. Students, essay questions should be answered in your own words by summarizing, paraphrasing, and/or analyzing content information. You should use the textbook or internet as a resource but not to copy and paste or write in someone else's words. Content information should be accurate and based on informational readings and text.Students are to select one (1) question to answer in two detailed paragraphs and state a thesis sentence based on your argument to be explained (Thesis statement should be the 1st or 2nd sentence). Grammatical errors should be reviewed and corrected before submitting your essay questions. The essay is worth 80 points total.

Extension Assignment- Students should comment on at least two of their classmates’ essays by Friday, December 14, 2012 12:00a.m. Your comments should be at least 2-3 sentences in length. he comment should be a critical evaluation of the essay and explain whether you agree with the argument or disagree. This assignment will allow students to become peer supporters in this AP US History class and help critic the writings of their classmates. This assignment is worth 20 points (10 points per comment).Your overall grade will come from Mrs. Ladd.

Students remember select one question from the foloowing questions listed below:
1. How did TWO of the following contribute to the events that led to disunion?
Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Decision in the Dred Scott case
Raid on Harpers Ferry

2. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the break-up of the Union?

3. What factors account for the remarkable success of a new party- the Republican- in the elections of 1856 and 1860?


  1. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the break-up of the Union?

    The compromise of 1850 generated positive and negative sides. So when they passed the fugitive slave act. Also the slave trade in the district of Columbia was vetoed. Down the line California was made to be a free state for the union. Texas ended up losing New Mexico territory, but received about 10million from the government .
    Also the New Mexico and Utah territory was to choose a question on its issues. But depending on popular sovereignty, and allowing other settlers to vote on their issues. Northern states argued that the popular sovereignty would violate the Missouri compromise. Eventually Kansas and Nebraska were allowed to use popular sovereignty to determine slavery status, it ended up leading to blood shed.

  2. What factors account for the remarkable success of a new party- the Republican- in the elections of 1856 and 1860?

    The free soil movement took votes away from both the Whigs and the democrats in the elections of 1856 and 1860. The Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 along with the breakup of the democratic and Whig parties as well as presidential candidate Lincoln brought success to the newly formed Republican Party.

    The United States Republican Party is the second oldest currently existing political party in the US after its great rival, the Democratic Party. It came out in 1854 to battle the Kansas Nebraska Act which in danger to extend slavery into the territories, and to promote more vigorous modernization of the economy. It had almost no presence in the South, but by 1858 in the North it had enlisted former Whigs and former Free Soil Democrats to form majorities in nearly every Northern state.

  3. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the break-up of the Union?

    Well the compromise did delay the break-up of the Union but it also did more to cause one.The south came up with an act called Fugitive Act which allowed them to continued their way of life and carryout the way of slavery it had been taken previous away. The act stated that rather they were against slavery or not they should return their runaway slaves.The North gained something out of the compromise. California had became part of the Union(free state) regardless of the south despises.Although slavery continued, the trade was disallowed in the District of Columbia- a major point of conflict, as that housed the nation’s capitol. These two Northern successes angered the South, pushing them closer. This increased the stress which led to the ultimately Civil War.

  4. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the break-up of the Union?

    The compromises made between the northern and southern sections of the United States before the civil war actually did not prevent the break up of the Union but instead created more problems. I agree with this quote completely because it is evident that if the compromises were effective a civil war would not have broken out.
    Slavery was a way of life in the south. The economy of the south relied heavily on agriculture and southern landowners found the help they needed with slaves. When the northern states tried to abolish slavery this caused controversy because if slavery was abolished the southern economy would be decimated.

    The compromises between the north and south started when controversy arose about whether to admit Missouri as a free or slave state. The compromise that was made stated that Missouri would be admitted as a slave state but an imaginary line would be drawn and slavery would only be permitted under this line. This compromise showed that the federal government had the power to limit slavery and also that actions were being taken to start to reduce slavery in America.

  5. The Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, and had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing settlers in those territories to determine through Popular Sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each territory. The act was designed by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. The initial purpose of the Kansas–Nebraska Act was to open up many thousands of new farms and make feasible a Midwestern Transcontinental Railroad. It became problematic when popular sovereignty was written into the proposal so that the voters of the moment would decide whether slavery would be allowed. The result was that pro- and anti-slavery elements flooded into Kansas with the goal of voting slavery up or down, leading to a bloody civil war there.

    A wave of indignation erupted across the North as anti-slavery elements cried betrayal, for Kansas had been officially closed to slavery since the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and that Compromise was now repealed because of popular sovereignty. Opponents denounced the law as a triumph of the hated slave power — that is the political power of the rich slave owners, who would buy up the best lands in Kansas leaving ordinary men with the leftovers. The new Republican Party, which was created in opposition to the act, aimed to stop the expansion of slavery and soon emerged as the dominant political party in the North, electing its first president, Abraham Lincoln, in 1860.

    The decision began by concluding that Scott, as a person of African ancestry, was not a citizen of the United States and therefore had no right to sue in federal court. This holding was contrary to the practice of numerous states at the time, particularly Free states, where free blacks did in fact enjoy the rights of citizens, such as the right to vote and hold public office. In what is sometimes considered mere obiter dictum the Court went on to hold that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories because slaves are chattels and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution protects property owners against deprivation of their property without due process of law.

    The Dred Scott decision, then, represented a culmination of what many at that time considered a push to expand slavery. Southerners at the time, who had grown uncomfortable with the Kansas-Nebraska Act, argued that they had a right, under the federal constitution, to bring slaves into the territories, regardless of any decision by a territorial legislature on the subject. The Dred Scott decision seemed to endorse that view. The expansion of the territories and resulting admission of new states would mean a loss of political power for the North, as many of the new states would be admitted as slave states, and counting slaves as three-fifths of a person would add to the slave holding states' political representation in Congress.

    Although Roger Taney believed that the decision represented a compromise that would settle the slavery question once and for all by transforming a contested political issue into a matter of settled law, it produced the opposite result. It strengthened Northern slavery opposition, divided the Democratic Party on sectional lines, encouraged secessionist elements among Southern supporters of slavery to make bolder demands, and strengthened the Republican Party.

  6. The Compromise of 1850 generated positive and negative results. Its passage quieted sectional animosities for a few years (until the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854) and held off the Civil War for about 10 years. On the other hand, Northerners were so enraged by the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act that it was impossible to strike future compromises.
    1California was admitted to the Union as a free state.
    2The New Mexico and Utah territories were to decide the question issue by relying on “popular sovereignty,” allowing the actual settlers to vote on the issue.
    3Texas lost the New Mexico territory, but received $10 million from the federal government for its loss.
    4The slave trade in the District of Columbia was abolished.
    5A new Fugitive Slave Act was passed.

  7. 2. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the break-up of the Union?

    California was admitted to the Union as the 16th free state. In exchange, the south was guaranteed that no federal restrictions on slavery would be placed on Utah or New Mexico. Texas lost its boundary claims in New Mexico, but the Congress compensated Texas with $10 million. Slavery was maintained in the nation's capital, but the slave trade was prohibited. Finally, and most controversially, a Fugitive Slave Law was passed, requiring northerners to return runaway slaves to their owners under penalty of law.

    1. Simple and straight to the point. Good points.

  8. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the break-up of the Union?

    Positive and negative results generated in “The Compromise of 1850“ . Northerners were so enraged by the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act that it was impossible to strike future compromises. On the other had sectional animosities quieted for a few years until the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854.The Civil War for about held off 10 years. Northerners were so enraged by the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act that it was impossible to strike future compromises. Other there settlers to vote on their issues, depending on popular sovereignty . Kansas and Nebraska were allowed to use popular sovereignty to determine slavery status after all.

  9. What factors account for the remarkable success of a new party- the Republican- in the elections of 1856 and 1860?

    The United States Republican Party is the second oldest currently existing political party in the United States after the rival of the Democratic Party. The emerged of the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, which threatened to extend slavery into territories and promote modernization of the economy. By 1858, the North had an enlisted the former Whigs and the former Free Soil Democrats to form majorities in nearly every Northern state.

    When Lincoln was elected in 1860, with the success in guiding the Union to victory and abolishing slavery. The Republican Party (at the time) was based on northern white Protestants, businessmen, professionals, factory workers, farmers, and African American. That brought supporting banks, railroads, and tariff to protect industrial workers and industry.

  10. To what degree did the compromise of 1850 delay the break up of the union?

    The compromise of 1850 build up a positive and negative outcome. Between the northern and the southern se tion of the unites states right before the civil war really didn't stop the situation, it just created more problems. The compromise between the north and the south began with a debate about making Missouri as a free or slave state. The compromise stated that the government can reduce or increase slavery. The next problem was when the union and the south deciding on if they should build a railroad from the east coast to the west. The north wanted the tracks to be near the manufacturing companies. While the Southerners wanted it to be build near them for outer connection to the other half of America. This debate created tension between the north and the south.

  11. To What extent did the Compromise Of 1850 delay the break-up of the union?

    The Compromise of 1850 was a package of five bills passed in the United States in Sept.1850, which defused {removed} a four year confrontation between the slave state in the south, and the free states of the North regarding the status of territories acquirring during the MexicanAmerican War (1846-1848). There were many issues addressed during the Compromise of 1850, like variety of boundary issues, status of Territory issues, and the issue of slavery. The Compromise of 1850 brought about positive and negative results. It passaged restrained setional dislike for a few years ( until the Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854) and held off the Civil war for about 10 years. On the other hand, Northerners were so enraged by the provisions of the Fugitive slave act that it was imposssible to strike future compromises. 1) California was admitted to the Union as a free state. 2)The New Mexico and Utah territories were to decide the question issue by relying on " popular sovereignty " allowing the actual settlers to vote on the issue. 3) Texas lost the New Mexico territory, but recieved $10million from the federal goverment for its loss. 4) The slave trade in the District of Columbia was abolished. 5)A new Fugitive slave act was passed. All of these things delayed the break of the union to a certain extent.

  12. To what degree did the compromise of 1850 delay the break up of the union?

    A lot of problems went on during this time, instead of solving them they got worse. For one, the North wanted to abolish slavery but, the South didn't want that to happen. The slaves were helping the south with picking cotton, crops, and other necessities that were needed. The compromises was basically, five bills trying to keep the North and the South balanced with who is free, slave or neutral state.

    When the Fugitive Slave Act came about it made any federal official who did not arrest a runaway slave liable to pay a fine. This was the most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850 and caused many abolitionists to increase their efforts on abolishing slavery.

  13. There where many evrnts that contributed in the disunion between the north and South such as the kansas Nebraska Act and The Dred Scott Decision

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise. This Act dealt with slavery and were it was and wasn't allowed. the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed those states to vote on whether to forbid slavery or not. The Supreme Court ruling on the Dred Scot Case stated that states did not have the authority to prohibit slavery in a territory, and that those provisions in the Missouri Compromise were unconstitutional.
    People in the North and the South were divided on their opinions of the case of John Brown. since he was an abolitionist in the North, Northerners did not believe he should be sentenced to death, while people in the South did, because John threatened their lifestyle

  14. 1. How did TWO of the following contribute to the events that led to disunion?
    Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Decision in the Dred Scott case
    Raid on Harpers Ferry

    There were many things that contributed to the events that led to disunion. Two of these are the decision in the Dred Scott case and the Raid on Harpers Ferry. The decision in the Dred Scott case caused major controversy between those for slavery and those against slavery. As we all know, the south was pro-slavery while the north was anti-slavery. This caused the unity that was holding the country, as well as the union, to weaken. Another effect of the decision in the Dred Scott case is the debate over whether black slaves were people or property. This weakened the unity in the country even more, seeing as the south thought slaves to property while the north thought slaves to be people.

    Another thing to cause the strength of the union to crumb was the raid on Harpers Ferry. The raid was led by John Brown. He, as well as many other including African American slave, went through Harpers Ferry and pillage or destroy everything they could. The raid ended with injury and death in its wake, although death and injury were not a part of the original plan. This caused the south to become very upset, especially when they thought that the act would go unpunished. The south felt that if this was allowed to happen without proper response, as in punishment, then they could no longer be a part of the union. This is when the south began to plan secession.

  15. How did TWO of the following contribute to the events that led to disunion?
    Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Decision in the Dred Scott case

    The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott case decision contributed to disunion. The Dred Scott case decision cased disunion because there were protesters. The protesters went against the infamous Fugitive Slave Law. The Supreme Court stated that states didn't have the authority to prohibit slavery in a territory. The protestants caused issues that the congress and president couldn't resolve. The Democratic Party was the only political institution that remained in the north and south. After awhile that seemed to start dividing.
    The Kansas Nebraska Act was the first occurrence of democracy in the case of slavery which, threatened the South's institution. Because the north and south argued so much. Every time they argued a new state wanted to enter their Union. Because of all the arguing the south wanted to become their own country. The Kansas Nebraska Act caused the emergence of the Republican Party. This resulted into alienation to the southern states.

  16. Question 2...
    There was alot of problems that were going on during this time. Slavery was one of the most talked about issue that was going on right then. For example, the north wanted to abolish slavery, but the south didn't want that because this would take away from the economic status that they have.

    Also the fugitive slave law also made it hard too. This put the people that were trying to help the slaves escape by placing fines on them if they were caught helping the slaves

  17. Question #1.

    The Dred Scott case was one of the reasons that caused disunion. This is because the questions like, "Should slavery be permitted in new territories?" or "Should African Americans have their citizenship?". The case was taken to the Supreme Court to get their judgement on the questions that had begun to arise. Chief Justice of the United States, Roger B. Taney, former slave owner, stated that he had no right to sue for his freedom, he had no citizenship to do so. The courts decision affected the North, they felt the Supreme Court was dominated by Southerners.
    John Brown's Harpers Ferry Raid also caused disunion in the states. The Raid was to help the slaves retain their freedom by transferring them to Canada and obtaining Weapons from the town. To African Americans they saw him as a hero but to John Brown's own race thought he was a traitor. The southerners didn't think their own would engage in such activity against the Superior Race in a way that he did. Brown was charged with treason, murder and conspiracy to lead a slave rebellion.

  18. 1.) Part 1

    The two events that help cause disunion were the Dred Scott Descesion and the Raid of Harper's Ferry. The Dred Scott Descesion was a court case that a man named Dred Scott who was a free slave then soon became a slave once again. Later, Dred Scott soon sued his slaves owners. At that time black people could not go to courtfor a case like this. The Supreme Court let the case continue, and Dred Scott was a free slave once again.

    Part 2

    The Raid of Harper's Ferry was a sneak attack from John Brown. John Brown was a white person the gathered a few men of their free will. Later John Brown and his men attacked to destroy the armory in Harper's Ferry. The Raid of Harper's ferry had a good outcome of the north but a devastating outcome in the south. The south believed that john browns raid was supported by the republican party. John Brown was found guilty and was hanged to death.

    These two events led to the seperation of the north or the south (or disunion).

  19. 1.)

    The two events that help cause disunion were the Dred Scott Descesion and the Raid of Harper's Ferry. The Dred Scott Descesion was a court case that a man named Dred Scott who was a free slave then soon became a slave once again. Later, Dred Scott soon sued his slaves owners. At that time black people could not go to courtfor a case like this. The Supreme Court let the case continue, and Dred Scott was a free slave once again.

    The Raid of Harper's Ferry was a massive assult from John Brown. John Brown who was a white abolitionist gathered free men slaves. Later John Brown and his men attacked to destroy the armory and major buildings in Harper's Ferry. The south believed that john browns raid was supported by the republican party. John Brown was found guilty and was hanged to death.Even though the raid was succesful, John Brown died for diong wahat was right.

    1. Ms. Ladd,

      Carlos and I do our blogs together, thats why our blogs are the same

  20. The Compromise of 1850 may have delayed the splitting of the union many Americans feared, but it couldn’t prevent it forever. Whether slavery would be allowed to spread to new territories became a volatile issue at various times throughout the early 1800s. A series of compromises enacted in the U.S. congress managed to hold the Union together, but each compromise created its own set of problems.
    • Missouri Compromise – As new states entered the Union, the question of whether the new states would be slave or free arose. When Missouri sought to enter the Union as a slave state, the issue became very controversial. However it did balance the number of slave and free states, and for three decades seemed to keep slavery crisis from entirely dominating the nation.
    • Compromise of 1850 – After the Mexican War, the United States gained territory in the West, and the slavery issue ignited again over the question of whether slavery would be allowed to exist in the new states and territories. The Compromise of 1850 was a series of bills in Congress which sought to settle the issue, and it did postpone the Civil War by a decade. But the compromise, which contained five major provisions, was destined to be a temporary solution.
    • The Kansas-Nebraska Act - The Kansas-Nebraska Act was the last major compromise that sought to hold the Union together, and it proved to be the most controversial. Engineered by Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, the legislation almost immediately had an incendiary effect. Instead of lessening tensions over slavery, it inflamed them, and led to outbreaks of violence that led the legendary newspaper editor Horace Greeley to coin the term "Bleeding Kansas." The Kansas-Nebraska Act also led to bloody attack in the Senate chamber of the U.S. Capitol, and it prompted Abraham Lincoln, who had given up on politics, to return to the political arena. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a classic case of legislation having unintended consequences.
